Statements & Policies

Health & Safety
At CorMan we have set out our company policy on Health and Safety in our company safety statement. Our safety statement is available to all our employees, clients, and inspectors of the Health and Safety Authority. It is our policy that all employees read and comply with the conditions of our safety statement. Each employee receives induction, training and instruction specific to the site, location or project being worked on. The implementation and updating of this policy are reviewed on a regular basis by management and our independent safety consultants to ensure we are compliant with the latest legislation.
The safety of our employees, clients, contractors and members of the public is of utmost priority and we strive continually to improve health and safety conditions by identifying, minimising and controlling health and safety risks associated with the industries we work in and the work we do. We are fully committed to our Health and Safety obligations and owing to the fact we spend much of our time working in potentially hazardous areas we have set out health and safety as being our utmost priority. We have embedded a safety culture in all aspects of our work and we work hard to promote a safe and healthy working environment.
Our Safety Statement is prepared in accordance with Section 20 of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005, and the General Safety and Welfare at Work provisions, Section 5 to 15 Part II, of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (General Applications) Regulations 2007 – 2016, Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (Construction) Regulations 2013 – 2018,the 2016 Code of Practice for the Chemical Agents Regulations in accordance with section 60 of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 EU REACH regulations (EC 1907/2006. Our Safety Statement sets out the Safety Policy and Procedures of CorMan Technical Services Ltd and is our programme in writing for managing health and safety. We recognise that we have health and safety obligations as an employer, among them being the provision of a safe place of work, safe work equipment, safe systems of work, and safe personnel.
Management is committed to our objective, which is to provide a safe and healthy work environment for all our employees and to meet our duties to contractors, and to members of the public who may be affected by our operations. To ensure the success of our health and safety programme, Corman Technical Services Ltd is committed to allocating adequate resources to health and safety.

Quality Statement
At CorMan we strive to provide an exceptional standard of Electrical Instrumentation and Atex expertise. This coupled with our detailed awareness and understanding of each customers’ unique requirements enables us to continually exceed our clients’ expectations.
Customer satisfaction is a core value of CorMan and we endeavour to provide a service of notable quality and ultimately exceed sector specific standards.
We know that our reputation is built upon the hard work of our people and so it is our objective to invest heavily in our staff so that we can make the absolute best of ourselves, reach our full potential and deliver best in class services to our customers. It is the responsibility of all CorMan staff members and management to recognise, accept and adhere to our philosophy of promoting a ‘do it right first time’ attitude in all aspects of our business. It is our objective to execute all work processes effectively and efficiently and in doing so we aim to continually deliver high quality, professional, cost effective engineering solutions to our clients and the industry